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Membership Rules

The International Beadweavers Team strives to be a vibrant and energetic team that will promote the art of beadweaving and support fellow members and their work.


1. (Required) Maintain a webshop with at least 50% of listings that are completed or made-to-order beadwoven designs, tutorials or patterns. At least 2 beadwoven items should be in your “featured items” at the top of your shop.

International Beadweavers considers the following as "beadweaving": beadweaving with a loom, beading off loom, bead embroidery, bead crochet, bead knitting, Kumhimno with beads, branch fringing, Soutache: And may include Jewelry, accessories and sculptural objects with at least 50% beadweaving.

The following is NOT considered "beadweaving": French beaded flowers, bead stringing, wire wrapping, If these techniques are used then the item must have a significant amount of bead weaving (over 50%) to be considered bead woven


2. (Required) Join the INBW Team on at least one of the Embassies across the web. For the moment, please see the Etsy Team and the Facebook Team *more to come*!


3. (Required) Tag all beadwoven items and only beadwoven items (as per rule #1 above) using the tag "INBW" or “International Beadweavers”. Also use the tag "INBW team tutorials" for all patterns, tutorials and kits. This tag should be used as a hashtag on social media platforms as well.


4. (Required) Mention the INBW Team in your shop announcement or profile. Here is an announcement you can use, feel free to copy it verbatim, or write your own: “I am a proud member of the International Beadweavers Team. Search for us with “INBW” for more beautiful beadwoven creations and visit our blog for links to all members’ shops:


5. (Required) Enter the INBW monthly Challenge at least once per calendar year (Jan-Dec). This includes the calendar year you join the team. More frequent participation is encouraged. See complete challenge rules for all details.


6. (Required) The internal team vote for the monthly challenge on our Google Form is required of all members. Optionally You may also vote and comment on your favorite challenge entry on the public blog each month. The winner of the internal vote is featured on the Facebook fanpage cover for that month and is entitled to choose the theme for an upcoming challenge.


7. (Required) Notify the team leader if you need to put your shop on vacation or close down for any reason. Shops that remain empty or on vacation longer than 30 days may be subject to dismissal.


8. (Optional) The team strongly suggests regular (at least once a month) participation with posts and comments on the INBW team discussion forum on Etsy, the team blog comments, and the team group Facebook page. This will ensure a vibrant and energetic team that will promote the art of beadweaving and support fellow members and their work.


9. (Optional) If you have an active blog please share your entries and help cross-promote the blog posts of other members. Whenever you enter a monthly challenge, promote your item and the team challenge on your blog. It is not required that you have a blog to be a member of the Team, but it is encouraged.


10. (Optional) Participate in the development of Embassies to spread the love of beadwoven jewelry and products to the forefront of the web-selling world. Volunteer from time to time for project activites, tasks and initiatives to support the work of other members.


11. (Required) Respect copyrights, each other and webshop hosting sites. Do not list copies of other bead artists work for sale in your shop without their written permission. This is considered copyright infringement.

© 2023 by Salt & Pepper. Proudly created with

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